6/23/2024 IMPORTANT UPDATE! The Ronin Institute has announced that they will be folding. Please send any gifts directly through my website or blog Paypal link, not through the Ronin Institute. Direct gifts are not tax deductible. The link to send a thank you gift or support is:
This was the original post, with the Ronin Institute links removed:
In case anyone is looking for another good cause and a tax deductible donation…
As you probably know, I’ve been operating the website SolveEczema.org for over 15 years, to share what I’ve learned about how to solve eczema and related conditions, to reduce allergy and achieve clear, healthy skin. I’ve done everything I can to share my solution freely and publicly so more families can get the relief that my family experienced when we finally figured out how to heal our son’s skin. And over the years, scores of parents (and even doctors and nurses) have written to me to tell me how happy they were to discover my website and finally find a way to stop their children’s pain and help them achieve normal skin. Over and over, they have told me that their children could sleep through the night for the first time in their lives after using my website.
But I need help getting my solution into the mainstream. I need to get my research recognized and published so the mainstream medical establishment—pediatricians and dermatologists—will respect my methods, learn about our family’s approach to solving eczema, and spread the information to the wider public. This effort has truly been my life’s work for almost 20 years now.
So I’m excited to announce that I can now accept tax-deductible donations through the Ronin Institute, where I’m a Research Scholar. The Ronin Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports independent scholarly research (donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law). Working through the Ronin Institute will give me the validation I need to establish my findings as scientifically sound and worthy of recognition.
In order to move forward, I need to hire people who are better science writers than I am, I need professional work on the website, and ultimately I need to do a formal clinical study according to accepted standards. And I need the funds to pay for all these things.
You make a tax-deductible donation through the Ronin Institute here
Once there you’ll see a drop-down menu titled “Please direct my donation to:” with “Solve Eczema” selected (leave that selected). The rest is self-explanatory.
I’ve tried crowdfunding, which helped a lot in keeping the website up and running (including the tools and technology). I have some affiliate marketing links on my website, but it brings in very little money. It has never been my intent to monetize my knowledge. I just want to share my solution as widely as possible to bring relief to families who need it as badly as ours did 20 years ago.
Please help me complete this important work on a real solution to eczema. I’m excited about finding a place that will support my research and enable me to prove the effectiveness of my solution and share it with the widest possible audience. You can help me do this and help other families too. I would really appreciate your help.
If you have any questions about my research on eczema or the Ronin Institute, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be happy to talk with you. Please share this with anyone you think might be interested in this work.
Have a wonderful New Year, everyone!
AJ Lumsdaine