Recommended Reading

On eczema and allergies:

    Naturally, my recommendation for reading about solving eczema is my web site.
  • Sammy’s Skin blog
    A mom shares her quest to cure her son’s terrible eczema without drugs, and how she found the answer with  Beautiful description of the family’s journey with the site strategies.
  • Touchpoints by T. Berry Brazelton
    This classic pediatric text gave us the key part of the puzzle when we were problem solving.  (Thank you again, Dr. Brazelton!)  Good section on preventing allergies.
  • Green Up Your Cleanup by Jill Schoff
    Written by a mom who used Solveeczema to solve her baby’s eczema. Cleaning recommendations should fit within Solveeczema guidelines. (Disclaimer: I posted feedback from Jill Schoff on the web site, and have read the first online pages of her book that describe its content, but I have not yet seen or used the book.)

Best early childhood development guide:

  • University of Wisconsin Extension web site.
    I found many great guides for the first year, such as What to Expect the First Year, but this site publishes what I believe is the best month-by-month development guide for the toddler and preschool years.  (They are redesigning the site – if the link is broken, look at under family publications.)

For encouragement and wisdom when problem-solving a chronic undiagnosed medical problem:
