A letter from Canada

I received this letter recently from a mom in Ontario, Canada.  She has kindly offered before and after photos, which I will post with the letter on the solveeczema site as part of upcoming revisions.  Thank you, S. Mason, for allowing me to share your experience:

Hi There,
My daughter was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis when she was a year old.  She started with rashes after I weaned her from breastfeeding.

My pediatrican wasnt overly concerned and told me that she’d grow out of it.  In fact, it got worse and worse.  She developed MRSA skin infections and children would point at my daughter and say “ewwww”…She was denied access from places because they thought she was contagious.  Nights were the worse, the intense itchiness was causing my daughter psychological stress, she would hit herself and screamed begging me to make the itchiness stop.  She had a behavior log at school because she was rolling around the floor constantly and wont sit at her desk. My daughter never had “flare-ups”; rather it was constant.  no breaks. ever.

I did some research and decided to pursue allergy tests.  It was the beginning of a wild goose chase.  I was told to avoid soaps so I bought no-dye/no scent detergents and non-soap cleaners….

And I started a 4 year adventure into elimation diets, skin prick tests, blood tests, naturopaths, pediatric dermatologist, allergists and pediatricans. Pills, antibotics, oral steroids, cordiosteroids, probiotics, flaxseed oils, krill oil, hemp oil, apple cider vinegar, chinese medicine, teas, 1000 dollars worth of OTC creams, lotions. No nuts, no fish, no eggs, no soy, no dairy, no sugar, no fish diets.

All medical professionals were well-meaning and concerned but NONE of them suggested that my daughter might benefit from removing all surfactants/detergents.

I stumbled onto your site and decided to give it a try.  I put my detergents aside and washed her bedsheets, pillows and pjs with just borax and baking soda.

We had our first night of no-itchiness in years.  It was the first morning that her skin wasnt raw.  Since then, I’ve started the process of transitioning to a NO-detergent household to only natural soap products.  I am still in shock at how immediate and obvious the source of her dermatitis is. I also feel guilty for not trying it before but I was always believed it was a food-related or just a genetic condition.

thank you from the bottom of my heart.  oh, I have before and after pictures, taken only a few weeks apart.

Update links to Solveeczema.org

FINALLY!  I have finally figured out how to delete my solveecema files from Comcast’s personal web pages.  It took an hour just to delete them — one by one since there was no other way — the only saving grace being that it was sooooo much faster than trying to update them.

Solveeczema.org has been hosted on Network Solutions for the past several weeks and will be for the foreseeable future.  It took this long to remove the old files from Comcast.  (I used to have them stored on Comcast and had URL forwarding from solveeczema.org.)

If you bookmarked Solveeczema.org in the past, your browser probably bookmarked the old web page on Comcast.  If you linked directly to solveeczema.org, you’re fine, but if you bookmarked it, you may have to re-bookmark the page, even if you typed solveecema.org into your browser to get to the site.

Now I can update the site without worrying about there being another, older copy I couldn’t delete out there.  Check for changes in the coming weeks.

Off Topic: Insurance excuses

I keep a file of “funny and amazing insurance excuses,” but I had to share this exclusion for an urgent care physician’s charge from our local medical center’s After Hours Urgent Care Clinic:


I don’t usually laugh, but … if the doctor’s office was open, why would I have to go to After Hours Urgent Care?  (Actually, one of these visits I went because the doctor sent me to the ER and I was hoping to avoid the emergency room, so I went to urgent care; I don’t know if the doctor’s office was open then or not.)

I have a ten-inch stack of medical billing paperwork to slog through again.  This is just wrong.  Anyway, if I didn’t laugh, I’d cry.

Solveeczema is hosted!

I purchased a hosting package for Solveeczema.org in March, but didn’t have time to transfer the files.  But as of tonight, Solveeczema.org is hosted on Network Solutions and is no longer unsupported (and, frankly, almost impossible to revise) on Comcast!

Thanks to the generosity of a few users last year who helped defray some of the costs through their donations, I was able to contemplate doing this.   Now I can actually make changes to the site again!  The hosting package is multi-year, too.

The old site will remain at Comcast until I can spend an afternoon with them on the phone figuring out how to remove it, because I haven’t been able to access Comcast using a browser for over a year now.  And Google and other search engines may still bring up that address.  But I had been using email forwarding from Solveeczema.org from the start, and all of the articles used the domain name.

The only people who may be affected are those who bookmarked the URL at Comcast  — Solveeczema used to forward to it.  They’ll have to re-bookmark Solveeczema.org

I am thrilled!  It has been SO difficult and time consuming to make any changes to this site up til now.  I have so many things to add, including revelations on dry skin from my personal bar soap observations that you won’t find anywhere else.

Stay tuned…

Not my ads (redux)

I moved this blog to WordPress from VOX, even though VOX was easier at the time and had better tools, because I thought I could get away from the ads they put on my blog.  Unfortunately, the ads appear as if they are associated with my content, and Google ads uses words from the content to choose the ads — thus products advertised could be dangerous to people who need my site, and at the very least, promote things I might recommend against.

I just looked at one of my blog pages, the Master List of Bar Soap Recommendations page, and lo and behold, there is a Google ad right below my post and before the comment section.

Those are not my ads, they are WordPress.com’s Google ads; Solveeczema does not endorse or benefit from them.  The ads may promote products that I would recommend against.

I am trying to update the site soon.  Along with the updates, it appears I will be moving my blog.  Stay tuned!