Interesting links about soap and detergent markets:

About natural soap sales:

About detergent sales:

As noted on my site, many “natural” washing products are essentially plant-based detergents. But there are many true soap lines out there – profitable for major manufacturers AND smaller handcrafted soap makers – and sales of handcrafted soaps appear to be increasing. I assumed these product lines were miniscule compared to detergent lines; if you factor in “natural” detergents, perhaps they are.

It’s interesting, though, to note the strong consumer demand for natural personal care products. At least by these sources – and admittedly, I just found them with quick Google searches, not by thorough review – the natural personal care industry is a major player and growing fast.

What will detergent makers – and “natural” product makers – do about this over time, I wonder? The problem of eczema and dermatitis seems to be great enough to significantly impact demand for “natural” products; too bad for these consumers that marketing hype seems to be the biggest driver in this industry for now.

However … as major organic food producers learned, they should never underestimate the intelligence and underlying motivations of “natural” product buyers. Natural personal care product standards are under scrutiny. Stay tuned.