Well, when I drop off the face of the earth for awhile, at least relative to my blog, I feel like I should catch up before posting more.  But I’m not someone who writes well about the usual slogs of life, so — my apologies!  I am still wrapping up from the crowdfunding and cleaning up after a particularly long season of computer troubles.   (I didn’t win the Changemakers healthcare competition, by the way — I didn’t expect to — but take a look at the winners who did, and some who didn’t, it’s both eye opening and inspiring.  Links on my last post.)

I heard somewhere that Steve Jobs had an employee whose job was just to take care of all the time-consuming technical hassles so that all Jobs had to do was use his computers for their intended purposes when he wanted.   (I need that guy!!!!!!!)  Barring that, I sure wish the computer industry was paying attention to what the rest of us slog through that keeps us from using our computers the way WE intend to use them…

Anyone at Apple have eczema?  I’m happy to barter some expertise…