Not my ads (redux)

I moved this blog to WordPress from VOX, even though VOX was easier at the time and had better tools, because I thought I could get away from the ads they put on my blog.  Unfortunately, the ads appear as if they are associated with my content, and Google ads uses words from the content to choose the ads — thus products advertised could be dangerous to people who need my site, and at the very least, promote things I might recommend against.

I just looked at one of my blog pages, the Master List of Bar Soap Recommendations page, and lo and behold, there is a Google ad right below my post and before the comment section.

Those are not my ads, they are’s Google ads; Solveeczema does not endorse or benefit from them.  The ads may promote products that I would recommend against.

I am trying to update the site soon.  Along with the updates, it appears I will be moving my blog.  Stay tuned!